Monday, 2 November 2009

Finishing the SDP!

Evaluation Stage

These are the features we evaluate software
Readability - blank lines, indentation, good variable names and internal commentary (pseudocode)
User Interface - how easy it is to use, how it looks
Fitness For Purpose - does what the porogram is supposed to do

Perfective - add in new features
Adaptive - changing the program to work on different platforms
Corrective - fixes any errors not found at testing

Friday, 30 October 2009

The Software Development Process Continuuuuuum!

Revised the first two stages

Implementation - text editor

Testing - Normal - when it is in rage
Extreme - at boundaries of expected input
Exception - outside the range

Thursday, 29 October 2009

Software Development Process

We learned the SDP

A dance in the dark every monday

analysis - what happens - legal contact software specification

design - pseudocode - numbered steps written in english main steps in program, flow diagram to show the flow of information, structure diagram are the three design methodologies